Welcome to Nevin Cummings Comedy.TV

Nevin Cummings is the creator and the host/producer of the "Staten Island Comedy Show" and the "Staten Island Comedy Virtual Show". These shows air in the five boroughs in New York City and on his YouTube channel Nevin Cummings Comedy. The shows help comedians and other talent get exposure. The show features stand up comedians and a variety of acts. Nevin is always looking for comedic talent for future shows. If interested email him at star10310@aol.com
The documentary movie "Bottomfeeders" filmed and produced by Vitamin Enriched won the viewer's choice award in the 2017 at the New Film Festival in New York City. This documentary movie is about the Staten Island Comedy TV Show. It sold out the theater with 250 fans laughing throughout the movie. To watch the movie here is the link on YouTube https://youtu.be/prXBmHNJnJE
Or you can search Bottomfeeders (2017) The Staten Island Comedy Show Documentary
The show features stand up comedians, impersonators, book authors, musical guests and all kinds of comedic acts. Some of the stand out projects were shows featuring stars of SNL including Fred Armisen, Colin Jost, Pete Davison and a host of other comedians. Also the show features drummer Fred Coscia and different cohosts to help the show move along. All shows are geared to make people laugh, especially during hard times.
The show offers comedians and other acts to be seen on Public Access TV and on the YouTube channel Nevin Cummings Comedy. It is good training to get used to performing in front of the cameras in a TV studio setting.
The virtual show gives the opportunity for the talent to put clips of the their comedic acts on TV. These virtual shows will also appear on public access TV and on the YouTube channel Nevin Cummings Comedy.
This is a 1/2 hour show with a funny cold opener titled
Faker News, and also appearing are comedians Jean Kim, Fred Rubino, Jeff Greenberg, Justin McDonald, dummer Fred Coscia and Host/Producer
Nevin Cummings.
This is a 1/2 hour show filmed in the studio on Staten Island NY
with comedians Bruce Lipsky, Guy Betancourt, Angela Sharp, Drummer Fred Coscia, Announcer Bodybuilder Bob, Cohosts Jody Oliver, Mike Bocchetti and Host/producer Nevin Cummings.
This is a one hour show filmed in the studio on Staten Island New York with comedians Dave Bergman, Ester Forrester, Jerry Martinez, Mandy Jones, Key Fitz, Bonnie Scales, Vincent Louis Mara, Drummer Fred Coscia, Cohosts Mike Bocchetti, Jody Oliver, Announcer Bodybuilder Bob and Host/Producer
Nevin Cummings.
Sign up to hear from us about upcoming shows
If you are comedian, or if you have an act that you think would fit the show and you want come on let me know.
Click on the YouTube icon above in the social area to see previous virtual and studio shows.
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